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Miles "Fabrizio" Disney

Fabrizio joined the LGP team in 2013, and rowed with us through the 2015 season.

Unfortunately, Fabrizio is no longer with us, passing away tragically on 25 April 2017. He will always remain in our hearts, and we toast his memory at the end of every season. We offer this page as tribute to his life and work, both on the river and off. 

Fabrizio (“The Fabricator,” as he liked to call himself) was a talented artist, filmmaker, and creator, and was passionate about all things green and eco-friendly. He was active in politics and strongly believed in serving humanity, and entertained hundreds of lucky gondola passengers with his vibrant narratives, snappy witticisms, and interesting musical choices (you could hear him singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” regularly under the Steeple Street Bridge during his final season with us). 

Arrivederci, Fabrizio. We love and miss you! 

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